Πολιτευτής ΝΔ Π.Ε. Ευρυτανίας - Πλαστική Χειρουργός

Επιστημονικές Εργασίες-Δημοσιεύσεις

Ξενόγλωσσα Περιοδικά

1. Iconomou T., Zuker R., Michelow B.: «The relative risk of tissue expansion in the pediatric burn patient». «The Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation» 14/1:51-4, Jan-Feb 1993.

2. Iconomou T., Michelow B., Zuker R.: «Tissue expansion in the pediatric patient». «Annals of Plastic Surgery» Vol. 31, Number 2, August 1993.

3. Iconomou T., Zuker R., Michelow B.: «Management of major penetrating glass injuries to the upper extremities in children and adolescents». «Microsurgery» 14:91-96, 1993.

4. Zuker R., Iconomou T.: «Giant congenital pigmented nevi of the face: Operative management and risk of malignancy». Can. J. Plast. Surg. 1994; 3(1):39-44.

5. Iconomou T., Zuker R., Phillips J.: «Mandibular reconstruction in children using the vascularized fibula». J. Reconstr. Microsurg. Vol 15, Number 2, Feb 1999.

6. Iconomou T., Zuker R.: “Scrotal Reconstruction using tissue expanders”. Can. J. Plast. Surg, Vol 8, Νο 4 July/August 2000 p 147-149.

7. Mavraki C., Ioannovich J., Kiritsi E., Iordanou P., Iconomou T.: “The effectiveness of early enteral nutrition in burn patients”. Ann. of Burns and Fire Disasters, 14(4), Dec. 2001.

8. Rodolakis A., Diakomanolis E., Vlachos G., Iconomou T., Protopappas A., Stefanidis C., Elsheikh H., Michalas S.: “Vulvar intraepithelial (VIN)-Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges”. Eur J Gynecol. Oncol. No 24, n. 3-4, 2003/ p. 317-322.

9. Iconomou T., Tsoutsos D., Frangia K., Gogas H., Papadopoulos S., Georgountzos V., Ioannovich J.: “Malignant Melanoma of the stomach – report of a case presenting with unknown primary lesion”. Eur. J. Plast. Surg. (2003) 26:153-155

10. Gravvanis A., Tsoutsos D., Lykoudis E., Iconomou T., Tzivaridou D., Papalois A., Patralexis C., Ioannovich J.: “Microvascular repair following crush-avulsion type injury with vein grafts: effect of direct inhibitors of thrombin on patency rate. Microsurgery 23:402-407, 2003

11. Keramidas E., Rodopoulou S., Iconomou T., Tsati E., Ioannovich J.: “Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus epidermis infection, insensitive to teicoplanin. A case report and a review of the literature. Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters. 16(4), Dec. 2003.

12. Keramidas E., Rodopoulou S., Metaxotos N., Panayotou P., Iconomou T., Ioannovich J.: “Reverse dorsal digital and intercommissural flaps used for digital reconstruction”. Br. J Plast. Surg. (2004) 57: 1, 61-65.

13. Iconomou T., Tsoutsos D., Spyropoulou .A., Gravvanis A., Ioannovich J.: “Congenital hypertrophy of the abductor digiti minimi muscle of the foot”. Plast Reconstr Surg. 115(4):1223-5, April 2005.

14. Gravvanis A., Tsoutsos D., Tagaris G., Papalois A., Patralexis C., Iconomou T., Panayotou P., Ioannovich J.: “Beneficial effect of nerve growth factor-7S on peripheral nerve regeneration trough inside-out vein grafts: an experimental study”. Microsurery 24(5): 408-415, 2004.

15. Tsati E., Iconomou T., Tzivaridou D., Keramidas E., Papadopoulos S., Tsoutsos D.: “Self-inflicted burns in Athens, Greece: A six year retrospective study”. J Burn Care Rehab, Vol. 26(1): 75-8, Jan-Feb 2005.

16. Bafaloukos D, Tsoutsos D, Kalofonos H, Chalkidou S, Panagiotou P, Linardou E, Briassoulis E, Efstathiou E, Polyzos A, Fountzilas G, Christodoulou C, Kouroussis C, Iconomou T, Gogas H.: “Temozolamide and cisplatin versus temozolamide in patients with advanced melanoma: a randomized phase II study of the Hellenic Cooperative Group”. Ann Oncol, 16(6): 950-7, June 2005.

17. Spyropoulou G.,A., Iconomou T., Tsagarakis M., Tsoutsos D.: “The value and prognostic role of CT-scan versus chest radiography in the follow-up of intubated burn patients with possible inhalation injury”. Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters. 18(2), 2005.

18. Gravvanis A., Iconomou T., Panayotou P., Tsoutsos D.: “Medial gastrocnemius muscle flap vs distally based anterolateral thigh flap: conservative or modern approach to the exposed knee joint?”. Plast Reconstr Surg. 116(3): 932-4, Sept 2005.

19. Gravvanis A., Tsoutsos D., Iconomou T., Papadopoulos S.: “Penile resurfacing with vascularized fascia lata”. Microsurgery. 25(6): 462-8, 2005.

20. Gravvanis A, Tsoutsos D, Iconomou T, Papadopoulos S.: “Percutaneous versus Conventional Tracheostomy in Burned Patients with Inhalation Injury”. World J Surg. 29(12):1571-5, Dec 2005.

21. Gravvanis A, Tsoutsos D, Karakitsos D, Panayotou P, Iconomou T, Zografos G, Karabinis A, Papadopoulos O.: “Application of the anterolateral thigh flap to defects from the pelvis to the knee”. Microsurgery, 26(6): 432-8, 2006.

22. Gravvanis A, Tsoutsos D, Panayotou P, Iconomou T, Papadopoulos S.: “Anterolateral thigh perforator flap: An ideal Pedicled flap”. J Reconstr Microsurg. 22 DOI: 10. 1055/s-2006-949073, 2006.

23. Gravvanis A, Tsoutsos D, Iconomou T, Gremoutis G.: “The use of integra artificial dermis to minimize donor-site morbidity after suprafascial dissection of the radial forearm flap”. Microsurgery, 27(7):583-7, 2007.

24. Rodolakis A, Thomakos N, Harhalakis N, Iconomou T, Antsaklis A.: “Complete vaginal obstruction with hematometra after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia: a case report”. J Reprod Med, 52(10): 959-61, Octob 2007.

25. Tsoutsos D, Kakagia D., Iconomou T., Gravvanis A, Tsagarakis M, Dimitriou V.: “Upper Cervicothoracic Sympathetic block increases blood supply of unipedicled TRAM flap”. Ann Plast Surg. 61(3): 247-51, Sept 2008.

26. Gravvanis A, Tsoutsos D, Karakitsos D, Iconomou T, Papadopoulos O.: “Blood Perfusion of the Free Anterolateral Thigh Perforator Flap: Its Beneficial Effect in the reconstruction of infected wounds in the lower extremity”. World J Surg. 31(1):11-8, Jan 2007.

27. Gravvanis A., Iconomou T., Zapantioti P., Dimitriou V., Tsoutsos D.: “Aesthetic and Anatomic Subunit Reconstruction of Composite Mandibular Gunshot Wound Using an Osseocutaneous Fibula and a Temporal Scalp Flap”. Microsurgery (submitted for publication, Feb 10, 2010).

Ελληνικά Περιοδικά

1. Πίνης Σ., Οικονόμου Θ., Ξανθάκης Δ.: «Οξεία Εμφυσηματική Χολοκυστίτιδα». «Γαληνός» 28:2, 1985.

2. Φινοκαλιώτης Ν., Οικονόμου Θ., Ευθυμιάδης Μ.: «Αδενομύωση της χοληδόχου κύστης». «Ιατρικά Χρονικά», 1:10, 1987.

3. Τσούτσος Δ., Οικονόμου Θ., Διαμάντη Σ., Χαρχαρίδου Μ., Ιωάννοβιτς Ι.: «Επιδημιολογικά στοιχεία κατακλίσεων στο Π.Γ.Ν.Α. «Γ. Γεννματάς». Ελληνική Χειρουργική. Τόμος 75, τεύχος 5, σελ. 314-323, 2004.

4. Τσούτσος Δ., Οικονόμου Θ., Σπυροπούλου Α., Παπαδόπουλος Σ., Ιωάννοβιτς Ι.: «Γυναικομαστία, η επιλογή της κατάλληλης χειρουργικής τεχνικής». Ελληνικής Χειρουργική.
76(6): 2004.

5. Οικονόμου Τ., Μαρβάκη Χ.: «Κακόηθες μελάνωμα στομάχου». Βήμα Ασκληπιού . 2(2): 81-85, 2003.

6. Σταματόπουλος Κ., Οικονόμου Θ., Τσούτσος Δ., Παπαδόπουλος Σ., Παναγιώτου Π., Ιωάννοβιτς Ι.: «Η χειρουργική αντιμετώπιση ασθενών με γάγγραινα Fournier». Ελληνική Χειρουργική. 74(6), 2004.

7. Γραββάνης Α., Τσούτσος Δ., Μάργαρης Ι., Παπαδόπουλος Σ., Οικονόμου Θ., Ιωάννοβιτς Ι.: «Διαδερμική τραχειοστομία σε ασθενείς με εισπνευστικό έγκαυμα». Ελληνική Χειρουργική. 74(6), 2004.

8. Παπαδόπουλος Σ., Τσούτσος Δ., Οικονόμου Θ., Κεραμίδας Ε., Ιωάννοβιτς Ι.: «Η αντιμετώπιση του μετεγχειρητικού πόνου στις δότριες επιφάνειες δερματικών μοσχευμάτων μερικού πάχους με ροπιβακαΐνη». Ελληνική Χειρουργική. 74(6), 2004.

Δημοσιευμένες Περιλήψεις

1. Gogas H., Kefala G., Konstandopoulos K., Tsoutsos D.,, Iconomou T., Frangia K., Bafaloukos D., Pectasides D., Ioannovich J., Loukopoulos D.: “Sequential detection of circulating melanoma cells by RT-PCR in high-risk melanoma patients receiving adjuvant interferon”. (Abstracts of the 5th International Conference on Melanoma). Melanoma Reserch Vol 11, Suppl 1, S200, 2001.
(Published Abstract)

2. Gogas H., Polyzos A., Tsoutsos D., Panayotou P., Iconomou T., Papadopoulos S., Papadopoulos O., Agarwala S., Stavrinidis I., Fountzilas G.: “Temozolamide in combination with celexobit in patients with advanced melanoma. A phase II study of the Hellenic Cooperative Oncoloy group”. Suppl. to: Journal of Clinical Oncology Vol 23, No 165, Part I of II, June 1, 2005.
(Published Abstract)

3. Metaxotos N., Tsoutsos D., Iconomou T., Panayotou P., Gogas H., Frangia K., Ioannovich J.: “Detection of sentinel node in cutaneous melanoma patients”. ”. (Abstracts of the 5th International Conference on the Adjuvant Therapy of Malignabt Melanoma). Melanoma Reserch Vol 14:4, 2004.
(Published Abstract)

4. Gogas H., Ioannovich J., Frangia K., Tsoutsos D., Panayotou P., Iconomou T., Papadopoulos S., Stavropoulou-Giokas C., Polyzos A., Potouridou I., Polydorou D., Stratigos A., Bafaloukos D.: “Te prevalence of autoantibodies in patients with high-risk melanoma receiving adjuvant interferon”. (Abstracts of the 5th International Conference on the Adjuvant Therapy of Malignabt Melanoma). Melanoma Reserch Vol 14:4, 2004.
(Published Abstract)